If you have a positive pregnancy test, it can seem overwhelming at first. Trust that it is normal to feel afraid and even alone, and that’s why we encourage you to reach out to us right away. Our team is here for you, and we care about your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It’s important to take the time to work through the steps of your pregnancy decision, while getting the support that you need.
The three choices for you to consider are:
You may have more questions than answers about parenting, or maybe the thought of becoming a parent seems impossible to you at this time. With most of our clients between the ages of 15 to 35, many have had the same concerns that you may be having. For example:
- My husband or boyfriend doesn't want the baby but I do
- (for men) My wife or girlfriend doesn't want the baby but I do
- I can't tell my family
- What if my parents tell me I must get an abortion and that it’s not my decision to make?
- How will I finish high school or college?
- How will I continue working?
- Where will I live?
- I don't have medical insurance
- I can't afford a child or I can’t afford another child
- I'm too young or too old
We can talk about all these issues with you so you can decide if parenting this baby is right for you. Not only that, but we go one step further in establishing a personalized and ongoing plan of support for you—one that can help you feel empowered in your decision to choose life for your baby.
We have had many clients who have considered abortion, but then they talked themselves out of it after learning about the harmful risks and side effects. At the same time, they recognized that they weren’t ready to parent. We call these women heroes because not only did they courageously choose life for their babies, but they made the ultimate sacrifice of motherhood in gifting their baby for adoption.
Keep in mind that with adoption, you have lots of choices that can help you feel more in control. Will it be an open adoption, or semi-open, or closed? Will it be private, or will you use an agency?
Today there are adoption plans in which you can know your child and be a part of your child's life. You can have the peace of knowing your child is loved and cared for by the couple you choose.
We can help you better understand the gift of placing your baby for adoption.
If you're thinking about finding an abortion clinic, it’s important to remember that abortion is a medical procedure and that all medical procedures come with some level of risk. What type of abortion will you have? What are those risks? You deserve to know the facts so you can better protect yourself. You owe it to yourself to make an informed decision and understand your rights.
Perhaps you're thinking:
- The father of the baby is insisting on an abortion
- I'm not ready to be a mother
- I can't tell anyone I'm pregnant
We know that this is a vulnerable time for you, and we don’t want you going through it alone. Some of our staff have been where you are. If you're considering abortion, you need to know:
- Are you pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy?
- Is your pregnancy normal? Or are you at risk for natural miscarriage? Or do you have a tubal pregnancy requiring immediate medical attention?
- How far along are you?
- Can you wait one more month, or one more week, or even one more day before you decide? Which decision is the least harmful to you?
- What if you were to talk with someone from our team who has been where you are?
You may also be interested in knowing:
- What kinds of abortion are available to you?
- What are your rights with abortion providers?
- Are there any short-term or long-term risks to consider?
- What is the personalized and ongoing plan of support that the Life Center can provide?
We encourage you to schedule an appointment to meet with us so we can support you in navigating your decision-making process.