cheerful-young-curly-lady-inviting-people-to-enter-2022-01-11-15-24-48-utc Our Mission

With unconditional love, we transform the fear of an unexpected pregnancy into a vision of hope.

The Life Center of Santa Ana is a pregnancy care center committed to reaching and mentoring vulnerable women and men through life-affirming relationships.

With free pregnancy testing, free ultrasounds at our next-door provider Prenatal Life Imaging, and accurate abortion information, we offer the confidential care and real support you need to feel secure in your pregnancy decision. Your health and well-being matter to us. Our client advocates are here to talk to you about your pregnancy options and work to establish an individual plan of support for you. Whether you choose parenting, placing for adoption, or abortion, you will receive the compassionate care you need. 

The Life Center of Santa Ana does not refer for or provide abortions.